Believer and Doer Award Granted by Daisy Button Believes – Kids Changing the World One Dream at a Time

We are so lucky to be recognized for our work recently.  Today, Daisy Button Believes ( awarded BrickDreams their Believers & Doers award. Each month Daisy Button Believes awards a few kids across the U.S. the honor of Believer and Doer because of all they are doing to make a difference. The founder of Daisy Button said she was impressed with what we’ve accomplished with BrickDreams. In just the last year, we’ve sorted and donated more than 700 lbs of LEGO and got them to kids who can enjoy them. As a winner, BrickDreams will receive special mentions in social media and press campaigns which will help us so much as we keep doing our charity work.  Take a look at the link below.
