Joe Young and Family

On September 11th, Joe Young delivered a huge amount of LEGO to BrickDreams for donation to kids in need.  Most were complete kits in boxes.  Thank you, Joe & the Young family.  We appreciate  your generosity.

Joe Young donating LEGO to BrickDreams.

Joe Young donating LEGO to BrickDreams.

Warner Family

Thank you to Suzi Warner who dropped off LEGO to us on 7/29.  We apologize for the delay in acknowledging you on our website.  We are reaching out to volunteers who can help sort and package your donation for delivery.  Thanks again!

Suzi Warner donation

Suzi Warner donation

Thank you, BRICK Marketplace!

In July, BRICK Marketplace emailed us – they wanted to donate their damaged boxes (with intact LEGO) to BrickDreams!  We received their very generous gift a few weeks ago.  Wow!  We can’t wait to distribute them soon.  Thank you so much!

To learn more about them, please visit them at:

Donation from BRICK Marketplace

Donation from BRICK Marketplace

BRICK Marketplace donation

BRICK Marketplace donation

Griffin Petti

In June, we received a letter from an AMAZING 7-year-old named Griffin Petti. He found out about BrickDreams and he decided to help our charity.

His school, Palm Beach Elementary School in Lake Clarke Shores, FL did a fantastic job of supporting him.  A box was set up outside the art teacher’s classroom (also Griffin’s mom) to collect LEGO.  The PE teacher collected empty tennis ball tubes for Griffin from nearby courts.  In addition, the school’s art club created a Mondrian-inspired artwork made from LEGO and displayed it at the EG Squared Gallery – they used this platform to bring awareness to BrickDreams. Please see Griffin’s letter, photo and artwork displayed in the pictures below.

We are blown away by all of your efforts!  All we have to say is:  Griffin, YOU ROCK!  Thank you so, so much!

Special thanks to the supportive staff, students who donated, and the art club at Palm Beach Elementary School in Lake Clarke Shores, Florida. It sounds like a wonderful, caring school filled with awesome, talented kids. Thanks also to the EG Squared Gallery for displaying the artwork for a month and thus introducing many to BrickDreams.

We plan to give your LEGO donation away at the end of August. We know that the kids receiving your donated LEGO will truly appreciate all of your hard work, and you will have made their lives much better.

Thank you very much.

Griffin Petti

Griffin Petti

Griffin Petti

Griffin Petti

Griffin Petti


Griffin Petti - Mondrian-Inspired LEGO artwork displayed at EG Squared Gallery.

Griffin Petti – Mondrian-Inspired LEGO artwork displayed at EG Squared Gallery.

Griffin Petti Art Club Display

Maya with Griffin Petti's donation.

Maya with Griffin Petti’s donation.

McDaniel Family

A huge thank you to Sharon and the McDaniel family who donated brand new DUPLO in honor of their nephew and brother. Thank you so much for your generosity.

A few days ago, we received an email from Sacramento’s SAFE (Special Assault Forensics Evaluation) Center requesting DUPLO for the youngest children they serve.  We were so happy and honored to be able to deliver your donated DUPLO to them.

Thank you – you’ve helped the kids who will play with them so very much.

Donation from Titus McDaniel

Donation from Titus McDaniel

2015-07-29 15.27.41

Thank You Andelin family!

Thanks Logan and Ryan Andelin for donating your unwanted LEGO bricks to BrickDreams! You are making a huge contribution to the lives of many kids affected by domestic violence and felony abuse! Thanks again!IMG_5186

Alex Morse

Thank you, Alex Morse, for giving up your LEGO to benefit kids in need!  Your gift will help lots of kids in more ways that you know!  Thanks again!

Alex Morse with his LEGO donation.

Alex Morse with his LEGO donation.

Thank you also to Alex’s mom, Corrine Aruelles Littles – we look forward to working with you over summer to spread awareness about BrickDreams!

Keifer Family

A very belated thank you to Bill & Dorie Keifer, as well as their daughter Jennie.  Bill and Jennie stopped by with a wonderful second LEGO donation to BrickDreams, and they graciously allowed us to take their photo.  Bill is meticulous – all of the pieces were sorted and categorized!  We have already donated some of your LEGO; some children are less stressed out because of your gift.  Thanks, Keifer family!

Jennie, Bill, Maya

Jennie, Bill, Maya