Placer County Chaplaincy

Many thanks to John Akers and Debra Boon of Placer County Chaplaincy for accepting our donation of 10 pounds of LEGO! We really appreciate it!

To date, we have donated approximately 499 pounds of LEGO in to kids in need!

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Wilk Family Donation

We would like to extend our gratitude to the Wilk family of Seattle, WA, as they mailed us a big box full of LEGO all the way to California! Thank you very much! We really appreciate your generosity!


Sacramento County Sheriff

Thank you to Sgt. Joe Ellis of Sacramento County Sheriff and Nicole Ellis for accepting 10 pounds of LEGO! We hope to donate more LEGO to you in the future!

To date, we have donated approximately 324 pounds of LEGO to kids in need!

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