Benjamin Yablonsky and Family

A very special thank you to Benjamin and his family!  We were so moved when we received the following email in November:

From: Abigail Yablonsky <>
Subject: Birthday Party Donation
Date: November 10, 2014 at 2:13:12 PM PST
Dear Bailey and Team:
We had a 6th birthday party for our son Benjamin yesterday, and in lieu of presents, we asked his friends to bring new or used Legos to donate to BrickDreams.  
We received a lot of new Legos, as well as some that were used.  How should I package these up?  I would like to break down and discard the boxes from the new Legos, so that I can fit all the Lego blocks into one big box, but I don’t know if that is better or worse for you.
Just let us know what you prefer, and where to send our donation (and any other information you think we should know), and we’ll send it out to you 🙂
Abbie Yablonsky
San Diego, CA


Unfortunately, the first time the Yablonskys mailed the LEGO to us, it was returned by the post office because of a vacation hold!  They were kind enough to send it again, and we finally received it today!

Thank you, Benjamin and the Yablonsky family!  Your donation will help many children in crisis.

Benjamin Yablonsky Donation 11:12:14benjamin yablonskybenjamin yablonsky 2 


Mirassou Family

Thank you, Kai and Grayson, for donating your LEGO to help kids in need – you gave an awesome gift that will help many deserving kids in tough situations!  We hope to donate your LEGO to these kids through the local police departments very soon!  Thank you also to your grandmother, Leslie Taylor, for driving to Sacramento to meet us with your donation.

Leslie Taylor 12:20:14

Wallace Family

Thank you to the Wallace family!  They sent (and re-sent) LEGO to BrickDreams from Massachusetts twice – the first time it was returned by the Post Office!  We are so sorry for the inconvenience, and we sincerely appreciate your donation!  Maya of BrickDreams dropped off some LEGO to the Rocklin PD today, and we hope to drop off more in Sacramento, CA tomorrow.  Thanks again, Annabelle Wallace and family!annette wallace annette wallace 2



Lleyton Rutz & Family

On December 8th, Lleyton Rutz and his mom, Susan, dropped off some much needed empty tennis ball containers for BrickDreams.  He contacted a local tennis club and collected them for us.   Thank you very much, Lleyton – we hope to see you again soon!

Lleyton Rutz

Powlesland Family

Thank you to Tyler Powlesland for donating a HUGE box of your old LEGO on November 15th, 2014.  You gave us some vintage LEGO – we believe it is from the 1960’s or 1970’s – that the kids will LOVE!  Thank you for your generosity.  powlesland 11:15:14-2 powlesland 11:15:14

Thank you also to your mom, Arleen, for bringing them to us on your behalf! We truly appreciate your donation and the children who receive it will be thrilled.